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Sunday, 18 January 2015

VW Golf Fixing Noisy Turn Signal Indicator Fault - Replacing Steering Wheel Indicator Stalk

As per this video the indicator module in my MK4 VW Golf has developed an annoying fault where the indicator continues ticking after the turn signal has been cancelled. You can hear the example of the noise from the indicator which appears to come from the hazard switch here.

However the actual fault lies in the indicator stalk which needs to be replaced. It's a relatively straightforward job - if you have the right tools, in particular you will need a Torx T25 and T9 screwdriver head and an M12 spline socket to remove the steering wheel. Over the last year I've been building up my tool collection so have these to hand.

I bought the replacement part from EuroCarParts and it cost me £40. From a VW dealer may be more. Interestingly the replacement part had an additional button for setting the cruise control that wasn't present on the original. The VW part number for the indicator stalk with cruise control is 8L0 953 513 S, the original fitted to the car had a date of 25.09.02

The process uis brilliantly explained on the MKIVS forum and I followed the guide there. It doesn't cover the multi function steering wheel but the basic process is the same. The thread with the guide to removing VW Golf/Bora indicator is here

These are the photos of the process on my VW Golf. The most important part to avoid getting airbag light - disconnect the battery!

Battery disconnected

VW Golf Steering wheel removed
VW Golf Steering wheel removed

VW Golf Turn indicator replacement
VW Golf Turn indicator replacement

VW Golf Turn indicator replacement - airbag removed
VW Golf Turn indicator replacement - airbag removed

VW Golf Turn indicator replacement - stalk removed
VW Golf Turn indicator replacement - stalk removed

VW part number for the indicator stalk with cruise control is 8L0 953 513 S
VW part number for the indicator stalk with cruise control is 8L0 953 513 S

Old and new indicators - top also has the right hand part attached, bottom is the old part taken out

VW part number for the indicator stalk with cruise control is 8L0 953 513 S
VW part number for the indicator stalk with cruise control is 8L0 953 513 S

VW Golf MK4 Steering wheel with airbag removed
VW Golf MK4 Steering wheel with airbag removed

VW Golf Steering wheel airbag connectors
VW Golf Steering wheel airbag connectors

VW Golf Multi function Steering wheel removal
VW Golf Multi function Steering wheel removal

Monday, 12 January 2015

Replacing Damaged Foam in VW Golf GTI Sports Recaro Seats

A common problem on the VW Golf GTI and in fact any car with sports seats, is that the foam inside the seats can degrade where it gets most rubbed and squashed.

I've replaced the seats in my VW Golf but needed to take the seats apart to repair them and this shows how bad the seat foam inside the seat can get.
Damaged Golf GTI seat needing replacement foam
Damaged Golf GTI seat needing replacement foam
 With the cost of parts at the moment for a MK4 Golf that these seats have come from it is far cheaper to buy a second hand set of seats from a breaker than trying to repair the existing seats. You can remove the seat covers for cleaning as shown in this video and easily remove the seats from the car to swap them for replacement ones. I found mine on Ebay and there are generally lots available. In fact I bought the replacement seats for such a good price I made a profit selling the rear blue material seats to someone needing the middle seat belt design.

Damaged Golf GTI seat needing replacement foam
Damaged Golf GTI seat needing replacement foam

Damaged Golf GTI seat showing foam broken down
Damaged Golf GTI seat showing foam broken down

Damaged Golf GTI seat showing foam broken down

Sunday, 11 January 2015

VW Passat Part Number 3C0-825-271-B (Underbody Wheel Liner plastic trim)

When I replaced the wheel arch liner on my VW Passat I found another section of underbody plastic trim had also broken. This was the part for the VW Passat which was VW part number 3C0-825-271-B which cost the grand sum of £3.01!

VW Passat part number 3C0-825-271-B
VW Passat 3C0-825-271-B

VW Passat part number 3C0-825-271-B
VW Passat part number 3C0-825-271-B
The video of replacing the wheel arch liner is below:

Sunday, 4 January 2015

VW Passat B6 Wheel Arch Liner Replacement - Removing and Fitting New Housing

The wheel arch liner on my 2007 VW Passat had become damaged so I needed to replace it. I managed to purchase a new wheel arch liner from the VW dealer. At £30 it was slightly more than the ones on eBay but I decided I'd prefer to know it would fit exactly. I also bought some space T25 screws to be able to fit it in case existing ones were damaged by removing the liner.

There are 8 x T25 screws that hold the liner in place. Remove these and the liner can be unclipped from the edge of the wheel arch. The new liner then needs to be slid into position. The video shows the whole process.

Part number for the VW Passat wheel arch liner is 3C0 805 977 and for the bolts/screws to attach it N 103 546 02

VW Passat B6 Wheel Arch Liner Replacement
VW Passat B6 Wheel Arch Liner ready to replace

Damage to Passat wheel arch liner, T25 screws visible
Damage to Passat wheel arch liner, T25 screws visible

Passat wheel arch liner, T25 screws
Passat wheel arch liner, T25 screws